Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Energy of a Surge

Thanks to a good friend Dr. Bob, I have become more in touch with the energy aspect of our lives.Dr Robert C. Bornstein wrote a book, 'Stressed in', which I am in the process of reading.

HypnoBirthing teaches us that we must welcome a surge, each surge has the tremendous ability of opening up and thinning the cervix, and later in labor, bringing the baby down through the birth path. A surge is a gift of healthy energy. The energy causes the uterus to be drawn up and open. The energy can be directed by us. As the energy level rises, we flow with it, relax into it, welcome it. Allowing the energy to reach it's potential. Each surge can accomplish a tremendous amount if we allow it to. Restraining or containing the energy causes the body to retain the energy and build up stress hormones. Stress tightens us up as we work on retaining energy, because we fear we wouldn't be able to handle it's potential strength. Essentially, we are working against ourselves, causing a greater buildup of energy and stress.

If the energy is directed in and through us, it can accomplish a tremendous amount. The imagery used in HypnoBirthing is: as the surge builds up, we fill a balloon with our breath, with our energy, and as the surge gradually releases, we release the balloon, allowing it to softly drift downwards as it deflates. However, if the energy is retained, by not allowing it to flow through us, picture balloon after balloon being filled with stressful energy, building up inside of us.

When the time comes to breath the baby down, the energy is guided downwards. Usually at this point the energy level rises, the surges become more powerful. Using the greater power of the stronger surges means directing your energy in a more meaningful way. The more energy that enters you, is the energy you will guide downwards with your breath. Imagine the energy flowing down from your throat, through your body, nudging the baby downwards through the birth path, and out. The length of the breath downwards is consistent with the energy levels that the surge brings.

I hope to follow up with more information about the energetic aspect of labor and birth as I progress through Dr. Bob's wonderful book.

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